MDX Reference
Capitalisation of the top level Heading and Filename of an .mdx file is mandatory, or the commit will fail. The required capitalisation will be indicated in the commit failure message.
Capitalisation should be otherwise be consistent throughout the document, and ideally across the whole site.
Capitalisation should be applied to proper names or defined or technical terms, but not otherwise. For example, "Tasks", when capitalised, may be appropriate when referring to the Configurator "Tasks" tab, or a "Tasks" function, whereas "tasks", uncapitalised, would be more appropriate in the sense that "when controlling a drone, the pilot undertakes many tasks".
Some technical terms have standard capitalisation, eg SmartAudio, DShot, HDZero, ExpressLRS, and we should be consistent with these.
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
Header 6
Normal text.
Normal text after empty line. Normal text on next line.
italic text
bold text
bold italic text
strikethrough text
- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 2a
- list item 2b
- list item 3
some text
- numbered list item 1
- numbered list item 2
- numbered list item 2a
- numbered list item 2a
- numbered list item 3
A coded break is to separate text from ordered lists
Inline code: const foo = 'bar';
Code block:
const foo: string = 'bar'
# MDX Reference
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6
Normal text.
Normal text after empty line.
Normal text on next line.
_italic text_
**bold text**
**_bold italic text_**
~~strikethrough text~~
> blockquote
- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 2a
- list item 2b
- list item 3
some text
1. numbered list item 1
1. numbered list item 2
1. numbered list item 2a
1. numbered list item 2a
1. numbered list item 3
A coded break is to separate text from ordered lists
`const foo = 'bar';`
const foo: string = 'bar';
\{/_ wow so meta _/}
- Tab 1
- Tab 2
- Tab 3
This is tab 1
This is tab 2
This is tab 3
<TabItem value="tab1" label="Tab 1" default> This is tab 1 </TabItem>
<TabItem value="tab2" label="Tab 2"> This is tab 2 </TabItem>
<TabItem value="tab3" label="Tab 3"> This is tab 3 </TabItem>
<!-- even more meta -->
This is a note. It notes things.
This is a caution. It cautions things.
This is a danger. It is dangerous.
This is an info. It informs things.
This is a tip. It tips things.
Mermaid Flow Charts
Let be Riemann integrable. Let be . Then is continuous, and at all such that is continuous at , is differentiable at with .
This is a block of aligned equations:
Fig. 1 - centered image.
<p align="center">

**Fig. 1** - centered image.